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Tissue Retraction
The generated heat causes local contraction of the collagen fibers. During the treatment, a machine will heat the skin to a bearable 38-40 degrees with zero discomforts although some people are more sensitive to the deep heat sensation than others. Radiofrequency energy-“tightening, firming action brought about by boosting collagen and elastin synthesis that makes radio frequency especially suitable for targeting loose skin in the neck and chin, wrinkles and fine lines.

New Collagen Formation
Local fibroblast is stimulated by heating the dermis and it then acts as a new deep formation of the skin. This produces further delayed tightening which only becomes evident slowly over the next few months. Look at it like joining a skin gym - great results are rarely achieved in one session. Your average radiofrequency treatment takes anywhere between 20-45mins with very little downtime. You're likely to experience a bit of redness for up to 24hrs afterward but that is it.

Improved Circulation
Radiofrequency also improved blood flow and lymphatic draining, thereby providing a better oxygen supply and greater toxin clearance to reduce the further effects of aging. Heating underlying collagen will make the skin tighten. Like shrink wrap heated.

Understand the Fat Cell
The body breaks down and absorbs the content of the fat cell, the cell will shrink in size but the number of the fat cells will remain the same. Radiofrequency can smooth out stretch marks and tighten areas of loose skin. This treatment is particularly suitable for upper arms, lower abs, and inner and other legs, also great for reducing the appearance of cellulite too.

$175.00 CAD / Treatment
Package of 10 treatments for $1,400.00

The beauty of radio-frequency is that is it suitable for most people- the depth of heating helps firm, tighten and lifts as well as reinvigorate the skin for a healthy glow.

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